Friday, 3 January 2014

On the 10th day of Christmas

In our house, today officially marks the end of Christmas as we have a twin birthday. A time, therefore to reflect upon lessons learned from the festive season just passed.

1) It is not necessary to have a turkey to feed 14 when there are 7 of you. Nor do you need 8 vegetable accompaniments, or all the potatoes.

2) Only meringues cook at gas mark 1. Anyone (I'm looking at you, Delia and Mary) who says you can cook a Christmas cake at this is clearly deluded. Either that or my oven temperature is inaccurate. I prefer to blame the established and much loved TV chefs though. It definitely wasn't the extra brandy either.

3) Hosting both Christmas Day and Boxing Day is lunatic. They invariably happen on consecutive days, the former of which is guaranteed to be very busy, very mess making and generally preceded by a very short sleep.

4) Undertaking to do something each day of advent gets a bit wearing by about the 9th.

5) Saying "we're all skint, let's put a £5 per head cap on presents" does actually cause offence. But has the added benefit of saving rather a lot of money, possibly all of it next year.

Onward to next year. 356 sleeps to go!

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