Wednesday, 8 January 2014

How to please people

Upon greeting a lady who is rotund of stomach, it is always prudent to ask them if they are expecting a baby. Should they not be pregnant, then they will be delighted to know that they look so. Should they in fact be pregnant, then they will undoubtedly be pleased to share that news with you, whoever you are. If in doubt, always ask. You can't go wrong.

Another time when it is a good idea to ask about pregnancy is when talking to a lady about her intention to become pregnant. They are sure to be keen to discuss this, whether it is starting a family or adding to one. They probably in fact want to talk with you about whether they are trying to get pregnant and if there is any reason why they are not.  Mothers of two or more children of the same gender will always chortle along with you when you suggest they will be wanting another one in hope of it being the opposite gender.

When speaking with a mother of a small child, why be boring and compliment their progeny? Far better to observe their less attractive attributes. After all, what mother would want to go through life unaware of their child's failings? Equally important is to emphasise how behind they seem to be in relation to your child/grandchild/cousin/sibling/child you saw on television.They are probably already wondering whether their child should be walking or talking or be fully toilet trained and it would be ever so helpful for you to let them know that yes, their child should be doing whatever it is they are not already doing.

Should you be invited to somebody's home, be assured that they wish you to point out any work that may need doing around their home. Especially if you have had the work already done to your home, they will enjoy hearing all about how lovely your home is as a result.

Sometimes people. for whatever reason, do not go on a holiday during the summer holidays. It is kind of you to share the details of your holiday so that they can live it vicariously through you.

Likewise, sometimes people are not doing things that would clearly make their life better, like move to a bigger house or get their family to babysit more. It is helpful for you to suggest these things to them, they probably won't have ever thought of them and will appreciate your helpful input.

Finally, if someone has upset you, don't tell them. Far better to let them know in subtle ways and hope that they sense your upsetness and ask you what is the matter.

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