Thursday 2 January 2014

Hooray hooray, it's a holi-holiday

The 2nd of January is a holiday. A day of rest, a day of recuperation. It is not a "normal day". No, Asda isn't even open 24 hours, terrifying though that is.

At least you stockpiled three trolley loads for those frantic few hours when there isn't a supermarket open, except for the ones that are.

This only applies to Scotland. Everyone else is back to work today.

Except, oh no. It is a Thursday. Nobody in their right mind goes back to work on a THURSDAY. That's just nonsense. We will go back to work on Monday.

Done. Sorted.

Meanwhile, time to reflect on the fact that you didn't achieve any of the things you planned for 2013 and resolve to do them, or not do them as the case may be, FOR SURE this year. Well, apart from that one last time tomorrow...

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